Fall travel teams are available for boys and girls born between 2016 and 2011. August 1st starts a new season and all players age up (i.e. 9U in summer 2024 are now 10U.) If a team does not have enough players, we will refund the registration cost minus the processing fee.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday August 2, 2024
Cost: $75 + processing fee
The fall season typically consists of 6 games (3 home and 3 away) between late August and early October. All games are on Saturdays or Sundays. Game start times are anytime between 9am-5:30pm on Saturdays and 12:30-5:30pm on Sundays.
Cold Spring Area Soccer Club will lend new players travel jerseys or the whole team may use t-shirts. Players need to provide black socks and black shorts.